Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gnome Wars at Spring Fever 2012

For those not making the trek to Scranton for Mepacon, Gnome Wars is also being run that same weekend (April 20-22) at Spring Fever in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Run by the owner of the famed Legion odu Chocolat Suisse, Brian Robinette, it's bound to be a hoot!

The Jagermeisters are out for revenge after their losses at Southern Front. Can the Legion du Chocolat Suisse send the Huns packing?
10 players, Beginners welcome, Parent/Child teams encouraged. Prizes!!!! for more info

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cold Wars: Big Game conclusion...

To All,

Her are the pictures from the endgame of the big game. Check out Viscount Eric's blog to get a detailed description: Gaming with the Gnomies

The crews are arriving at New Providence. Here we have the roof blown off the German HQ....

...the red Sikhs are coming ashore with their treasure.....

...I'm not sure if this is an alliance or a fight......

....two units of British Marines march forward to keep the peace....

.....while the German HQ gets blown up...

...along with the Swiss stronghold.

 We had a blast putting this game on. More Cold Wars AARs coming.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cold Wars: Big Game part 5....

To All,

So as things seemed kind of friendly at New Providence......

The cannons on the ships were basting away - this was a critical time in the game/games as the landing parties started to row toward their ships...
The Highlanders "had no beef with the Sikhs!" and let them be "although they were rowing the boats backwards.....
The Irish player and the French had a Melee over the "Big Blue Boat." Both sides ended up being decimated.... can see the empty, formally French, ship in the middle of the action. The few remaining French, reeling from the fight with the Irish, look over their shoulders and see the cannibals closing in. In the background you can see the Swiss and Irish rowboats coming on, and in the foreground the Highlanders steaming to assist their brethren....
...the Irish and German coalition (I don't know) make it to their ships....
....while the Highlander steamer sets up to keep the cannibals from their rowboats. The sea monster is Nessie - from Loch Ness - and is under the control of the Highlanders. They have her running interference. The Sikhs are just quietly rowing along hoping no one sees them.

The ships turn and form a line and blast the cannibals to smithereens..

The Sikhs all get into one boat (you can row faster) while the Highlanders get picked up. (the cannibal boats are crew less and sinking) With all threats done, everyone heads for New Providence.

More to come!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cold Wars: Big Game Part 4

To All,

So, back on the island the Sikhs are trying to mow down the cannibals

....Bill sends the other half of his Irish to capture the coconut catapult....

....which he does, then uses it to support the troops trapped in the village....

....while the Swiss lay down some Swiss Cheese, which serves the dual purpose of taking out a unit of cannibals and setting up a protective barrier along the escape route.

Two groups of cannibals, unable to get a meal in the village,  take to the canoes and head to the ships

After thrashing the cannibals, someone in the village touched the sacred statue, which summoned the a zombie attack. That was, surprisingly, quickly squashed by machine gun fire and Swiss Cheese.

The next attack was dinosaurs. In the past players have mostly run away from the dinosaurs, taking pot-shots as they go. This group charged straight into the Dino's, killing them off before they could do any real damage....

....and then they headed to the boats...

....more to come!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cold Wars: Big Game Part 3....

To All,

The third table was the Raid on New Providence. Each of the different nationalities had a stronghold to defend until their Treasure Island gold showed up.

Here is the initial set-up and the players reading the cards. In the Gnome Wars each player gets a unit card that has all the statics and special abilities for the unit/nationality.

Eric Jacobson is the gentleman in the green shirt. He is an excellent Gnome Wars player, but an even better GM. My son prefers when Eric is running the game over me. (Nice!)

The different units jockeyed for position and set up their defenses. They had to defend against each other, British Marines, and zombies.

Here the Swiss move up to take out some zombies.....

....and do a nice job.

I don't know who, but someone blew the roof off of the German HQ......

....more to come!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cold Wars: Big Game part 2....

To All,

In the sea between the Treasure Island and New Providence were the ships and boats that dropped off the landing parties. The task on this board was to keep your ship afloat and crew alive until  the landing party returned with the treasure from the island. The ship captains were to pick up the treasure and deliver it to their stronghold on New Providence.

The first turn had the captains placing their ships and learning the movement.

Here we see the captains plotting their move, moving, and making alliances. The guy smiling at the camera is Brad Leaver, one of the Canadians......

The gentleman in the green Gnome Wars shirt is Kevin Jacobi, another one of the Canadians, who ran the High Seas board. If he ever decides to run a convention game again (I'm sure he will) sign up for it, you will have a good time. There is a shipwreck on the right side of the board that had extra gold on it. Most of the ships headed toward it....

More maneuvering..... can see a steamship off to the right. that is being captained by Andy, who stayed out of the fray to see how it would all shake out (turned out to be a great move).... these four ships went broadside to broadside, with one crew of pirates being blasted off their vessel. The crew of Sikhs also were shot off their ship. The Sikh players on the treasure island and New Providence were not enthusiastic upon hearing this news... the dude in the red shirt landed his Swiss on the shipwreck and claimed the bonus treasure, the cannibals headed to war canoes and into the fray.....
....more to come.

Cold Wars 2012: The Big Game begins...

To All,

On Saturday Eric Jacobson, Kevin Jacobi, Cam Cusiak, Steven Stanton, and I put on a huge, 700-figure, 36 player game of Gnome Wars. Even with that amount of figures and players the game ran incredibly smooth.

Here is how it went down:

The first board was the Treasure Island. The players had two simple tasks - find your treasure and get off the island. Here is the initial set-up.  (I left in the background so you could see that there were quite a few other games going on.)

 The island had inhabitants - Cannibals - and they went looking for food...

As the landing parties were searching for their treasure, a few of their members were captured by cannibals.... they had to go to the village to attempt a rescue. The young man pointing with the ruler is Scott Lung who, despite his age, has become one of the better Swiss players over the past couple of conventions. The gentleman to the left of him is the best Irish player in Gnome Wars right now - Bill Goodrick....

 ....who sent half of his Irish back to the boats with the treasure. He did sent the other half of the Irish to support the attack on the village.... all the other landing parties went to the village one of the nubes, before seeing if the natives were friendly, shot and killed a few cannibals. Immediately drums were heard in the woods.... the attackers decided to use the cannibal village to defend themselves against whatever was going to attack...
 ....The cannibals launched their attack from the woods with the different nationalities working together....

....except they told the Sikhs there wasn't enough room at the walls and they should set up on the outside. Good thing they had a machine gun....

More to come!

Friday, March 2, 2012

British Marines: Blue Coats....

To All,

Finishing up the 16 "Blue Coat" marines.

The cuffs and coat flaps are painted Santa Red:

The ammunition box strap is painted white and the ammo box painted black. A little drybrush on the gun and they are done:
Here are the 44 marines:

I just have to flock them and they will be ready to kick some Pirate Ass.